
Is herbal Better

Nowadays businesses are using the terms like Herbal, Natural, Chemical Free like my grandpa uses his cane. From Small Startups to Big MNCs every one is selling you herbal products which allegedly better than all the chemical infused nasty stuff (insert goblin face) developed in the labs after performing scientific tests. The Herbal Product market…

How to read on Internet

I know the title sounds absurd. Afterall who would ever ask this stupid question, Perhaps no one. But there’s always an efficient way and an inefficient way of doing things. Has it happened to you that you somehow stumbled upon a cool website that interests you. It’s obvious you would want to revisit it, for…

How I learned English without any Teacher

Learning a new language can open a lot of doors for you. And not just career wise but it opens a whole new segment of literature, art and cultural experience. Also learning English is not an option but a necessary. Otherwise you’ll be left out on a lot of knowledge out there. I learned this…

How to use torrent

Contrary to popular belief using torrent is not illegal, it’s mere a technology to share files over internet. But using this technology to pirate software, movies and music is illegal. What is torrent? It’s method to peer to peer file sharing. To download using torrent you need .TORRENT file. This file contains details and direction…

About Me

Hi, I’m Pranab. A business student. I spend my time reading and watching movies. Give me a computer with internet and you will find me way deep in the rabbit hole of my curiosity. This blog is for sharing my learning and thoughts.

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