Is herbal Better

Nowadays businesses are using the terms like Herbal, Natural, Chemical Free like my grandpa uses his cane. From Small Startups to Big MNCs every one is selling you herbal products which allegedly better than all the chemical infused nasty stuff (insert goblin face) developed in the labs after performing scientific tests.

The Herbal Product market has grown rapidly in recent years thanks to companies like Patanjali.

You will find thousands of influencers and bloggers talking about how much chemical product are bad for us. Some will go to extent that if a name in ingredient list is hard to pronounce it is evil. Run away as far as possible from that piece of abomination.

But all the chemo-phobia aside, do these claims have any substance? As a customer what should you look for? Are Chemical Really bad for you?

The cruel fact is that every thing including your body is mixture of a bunch of chemical. There’s nothing in the world outside of periodic table. And if anyone claims otherwise tell them that Nobel Committee is looking fir him to give the Nobel Prize in Chemistry of the year.

For example, lets tale look at Banana which is a beloved fruit by man and monkey alike. Some brilliant people even use this as face mask, hair mask (go to YouTube to fine unheard use of banana).

I think we are clear on that everything is chemical.

But what about natural products. Because nature is mother and everything happening naturally should be good that something made in a lab, right?

Well snake venom is natural is it good. Bacteria are natural are they good, ok some of them are good. What is important to understand is that nothing is inherently bad or good. It depends on the dose. On wrong dose you can get yourself killed with very food you nourish yourself with.

Science has advanced so much that we can now use the right chemical in right dose and act as medicine. Have you considered that why modern medicines come in various strength? Because that helps us to find right dose according to the patient.

Fact is because of advancement in science we don’t need to rely on unpredictable natural resources for life saving medicines. We can develop them in a lab in controlled environment.

For example, vitamin B12 which human body can absorb can be obtain by only animal products like meat and dairy. But now it is being produced by biotechnology in labs by culturing the specific bacteria.

When it comes to chemicals most people are just counting the labels and very few are understanding them. Let’s start understanding chemistry by starting with these three facts:

  1. Everything is a chemical
  2. “Natural” or “organic” chemicals are not necessarily healthier than synthetic or man-made chemicals
  3. Whether or not you can pronounce a chemical is irrelevant.

Next time when you go shopping don’t fall prey to the green washing of corporates. Do your due diligence. Use products that are locally sourced it will reduce the carbon footprint. Support businesses which adhere to strict ethical norms and pay fair wages to its workers.


What is a Chemical Exposure?

How to read on Internet

I know the title sounds absurd. Afterall who would ever ask this stupid question, Perhaps no one. But there’s always an efficient way and an inefficient way of doing things.

Has it happened to you that you somehow stumbled upon a cool website that interests you. It’s obvious you would want to revisit it, for new content. So you would bookmark it. I still remember days when only way to access internet was cyber cafes. I had a diary in which I would write down all the websites. I wish I knew better.

But as happened with me the number of websites grew so much that it became a chore keep track of them. Even if you use advance bookmark managers, checking each and every website regularly becomes counter productive very quickly.

That’s where RSS comes to the rescue. Using this technology you can follow your favourite websites just like you follow someone on social media. You will automatically be notified of any new content on the website.

There are various ways to get this feed delivered to you. But most preferred is to use news aggregator apps aka RSS reader. Google reader was one of the popular apps but Google being Google killed it. But there are still some great apps around. My favourite is feedly, there are open source apps like Flym if you’re into open-source stuff.

Reasons I use feedly are

  • Multiplatform support, it’s available on android, iOS, browser extensions.
  • Integration with services like Evernote, Instapaper and Pocket. Which are incredible apps on their own if you want to save some articles to read later.
  • Beautiful design, some websites are designed beautifully but some are verry messy, filled with ads and pop-ups. But you don’t need to worry feedly will present you the content in a readable format which will feel like reading a digital magazine.

How to use

Install the app or open the web version. Create an acount. Now go to the add content page and search for the website you are looking for or just paste the url of the website you want to follow. It will give you a list of results. If the target website has multiple rss feed it will give multiple results (like in case of news websites which has multiple pages for different cities). Select the desired result. Another interesting thing you will notice is, if you’re using the web version, it will give you number of articles a website posts per week. This will help you decide whether following the website will flood your feed eclipsing posts from other websites, happens all the time with major news outlets.

After selecting a website it will give you option to categorise it. This is very helpful if you’re following a lot of websites. You can also put a single website in multiple categories. For example a website about advertising can also fall in the category of marketing.

Categorisation helps if you are following a lot of websites

After adding all the websites you want to follow all you need to do is read. App will list all the new articles in the form news feed. As you’ll go through them it will mark them read and won’t show you next time you open the app. Convenient isn’t it.

How I learned English without any Teacher

Learning a new language can open a lot of doors for you. And not just career wise but it opens a whole new segment of literature, art and cultural experience.

Also learning English is not an option but a necessary. Otherwise you’ll be left out on a lot of knowledge out there. I learned this the hard way.

Throughout the school I was one of the brightest student. And partly because of that after my 10th unlike others who choose to do their +2 from the same hindi medium school I applied for which was considered one of the best college in the city. When my name appeared in the first merit list, that was one happiest self of mine totally unaware of the nightmares awaiting.

I still remember the hopelessness I was feeling after the first physics lecture of my 11th standard. I could not understand a single thing the professor was speaking. As soon the lecture ended I ran out of the building and sat under a tree totally lost. I had no one to talk to. I didn’t know that if anyone else was feeling the same or it was just me. In school I was considered best in English and here I was falling flat on my butt.

I realised how naive those teachers and I was who belived in that delusion. Now in retrospect I see how my teachers and my schooling failed me. The way schools evaluated us it was easy for someone like me to ace the exams with minimal efforts without even realising that it’s going to come back and bite me.

Anyway after a lot of struggle and a steep drop in my grades somehow I completed my I.Sc. Meanwhile I tried everything that was suggested to improve my English. Reading newspapers, Practicing from different grammar books or mugging up the dictionary. And none of them helped me much. And let me tell you that trying to read English newspaper with only elementary knowledge of the language is one of the most depressing task out there. You will start with a lot of enthusiasm but there won’t be a single sentence you can understand without looking up the dictionary. After few days the process will feel so tiresome that you will give up reading altogether. Then for few weeks you will just go through the pictures and be done with it. And within a month you’ll be ditermined to unsubscribe to the paper

So the question is how should one learn the language?

I won’t lie, there’s no shortcut that I have found and Learning a language takes its sweet time.

What I did was to changed the approach. Instead of reading newspapers, I started with children’s books. I went and brought out my box of primary school books. I read them all and it didn’t took me more than few hours. Surprisingly I understood it better than when I used to read it everyday. The problem was my primary school teacher never taught us to understand it. They were teaching us in way that will help us only to score better in the exams.

Then I started participating in online communities like Yahoo answers. The benefits of these communities are that there always will be people who know less than you and it will help you develop you confidence. But bigger advantage is that unlike newspapers people there uses simple Language (although website like Quora is filled with people using convoluted language and jargons), which is not always grammatically accurate but they are easy to understand. And you learn new words and new uses of already known words as the meanings change a lot according to the context. No dictionary will ever teach you that.

After that I started to watch dubbed movies with Hindi audio and English subtitles. And as I said this is one of the best way to learn new words and their use. I kept at it for months untill I was a little more confident on taking up the new challenge.

Next I started to watch those movies in their original English audio with English subtitles. Soon I realised the normal speed of the video was too much for me. When you don’t know a language it feels like everyone is talking very fast because our minds need times to process the information, and a foreign accent doesn’t help either. So started to watch those movies at slower playback speed. There’s this features in almost all media player which allow you to increase or decrease the playback speed. Gradually as my grasp increased on the language I kept moving the speed towards the normal.

Now I can understand it all with or without the subtitles. Another thing movies help you with is the pronounciation. Although it differs vastly in different accents it’s something. As you will progress you will realise that you can even tell how different actors and characters from different countries sound. You will be able to tell if a actor is Britsh or American or Irish only by his accent.

And most important you will have fun doing it. You will realise how much talent and effort of the actors gets wasted when you watch it in dubbed sound. Those actors put a lot of effort through voice modulation which gets lost somewhere in the process of dubbing. No disrespect to the voice artists they are doing a great job it’s just when you watch a scene in actors own voice you can’t go back.

Take away points –

  • Learn the basic grammar first.
  • Then start with children’s book. Read them thoroughly and make sure you understand them without taking any help.
  • Participate in online communities like reddit, Quora, Yahoo answers. This will help you increase your language comprehension along with learning a lot of other thing.
  • Watch English movies with subtitles on. Start with Hindi audio if you are not comfortable with the English at first.
  • If you have confusion about some grammar rule look it up on the internet. There’re a lot of communities to help you out. And this is the best way to learn unlike going through a thick grammar book at once. Same goes for the vocabulary.
  • I’ll be lying if I say I learned English without teacher. Having a teacher does help but only for basic grammar. It’s doable on your own but a teacher can fast track things and also provide a structure and discipline which is needed whenever you go on a new endeavor.

How to use torrent

Contrary to popular belief using torrent is not illegal, it’s mere a technology to share files over internet. But using this technology to pirate software, movies and music is illegal.

What is torrent?

It’s method to peer to peer file sharing. To download using torrent you need .TORRENT file. This file contains details and direction for how to share a particular data. Advantage of peer to peer file haring are but not limited to:

  • It does not require expensive server equipment. Your own computer or laptop act as a temporary server if you have enabled seeding.
  • Another advantage is that large files can be downloaded over slow connection.
  • You can download part of a file on one system and transfer it to another to complete it. For example, if you started a 10 GB download on your computer and its 40% complete. You can transfer that file on your mobile and resume the download using the .torrent file and it will resume from the 40%.

How to use torrent.

To download using torrent you need .torrent file which you can download from any torrent listing website like 1337x, Torrentgalaxy, etc.

Unfortunately most torrent websites are blocked by the government. But you can bypass it by using VPN or tor browser. I will list link to these tools at the end of this article.

After obtaining the .torrent file you need a torrent client.

On windows qBittorrent is the one I use. It is opensource and powerful. On android after trying a lot of torrent apps, I have settled on ZetaTorrent.

You need to open the .torrent file in the client app and that’s it.


Tor Browser for windows

Tor Browser for Android

Torrent Client for Windows (qBitTorrent)

Torrent Client for Android (ZetaTorrent)

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